How much is it costing you to fill your 197?


Platinum Member
I thought this might be interesting! I was quite shocked the other day when I filled up and it came to £59.84 and its not like the petrol light was on! This got me thinking and back when I bought the car I am certain it was only £45ish to brim the tank! It will be nice to see what our friends on (and off :wink:) the continent are paying too!

Im now waiting for the unfortunate person who had their card cloned and their fill up cost £5000 lol!
it cost me 53 yest on shell 99 stuff, forgot what its called and last week from red light it cost me 48 at the same garage... if it goes to 60 ill use normal unleaded again
being a student i dont think iv ever filled my tank lol but a put a £10 quid in every other day and prbably do maybe 10-20miles a day at the min
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£53.80...and that was on normal unleaded (it was too close to the end of the month to afford Super...!)...still not quite as bad as 14 months ago when it was £1.16-£1.20 a litre...
for shell 99 its 1.18
esso super1.17
bp super 1.17 on the motorway the other day :blush: was shocked
and not used teco in a while
£15 a time at shell - vpower is £1.15 by me. If i put less fuel in i'm more inclined to drive with a lighter right foot :smile:
I had just hit the red and the car had made me jump with that annoying beeeeeeeeep.

It cost me just over £63 to fill up with Shell V-Power...
No Shell garages round by me. BP Ultimate is currently 122.9p ltr by me with normal petrol about 113.9p ltr
i use Tesco 99 ron,

i allways fill it up to the brim,

my last one, last week was bang on £60 first time its got to the £60 mark
the government never took off the extra fuel tax for when vat dropped to 15% so that motorists didnt "gain" over the vat reduction - now its gone back up they have got an extra 2p/ltr and in april it will go up again..............probably to pay for a few more bank bailouts !!!!!:@:@
12£ for a full tank of 98RON

.....I love Dubai!

I hate you.

currently 115.9p/litre for V-Power around here. I never fill the tank unless going on big road trip though. Cost about...£60 pounds the last time I did.

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