Good news (Harry's Lap Timer)



Beta testing will commence this month for V18 on iOS and for further development on android.

Apple restricts the number of beta testers so he is being increasingly picky for them.

I've already accepted my invite from Harry but if your interested and willing to participate then here is the announcement.

Dear Friends of LapTimer,

Although we have quite a lot of open items until release, I'd like to prepare beta testing for Harry's LapTimer v18 already. This post covers everything you need to know on this beta phase. As the approach differs compared to previous betas, please read it completely.

LapTimer v18 is announced for March this year. The iOS version is slightly ahead and will go into beta first. At the time of writing, I assume iOS beta will start in January, while Android will start end of February. LapTimer for iOS will be submitted to Apple for review begin of March and appear on AppStore a week later (latest). For Android we pal to go life end of March - if everything works as expected.

Beta feedback and distribution platform
Both iOS and Android betas will be distributed through Testflight. You will need to register and sign in to receive the app releases. Any feedback on the app releases will be expected to be posted to this forum. I will create a private sub forum only beta testers have access to. So in addition to Testflight registration, you need to be registered here on the forum. Finally, any communication on the beta must be kept private to the beta group. No leaks to the public please.

The tested app will be LapTimer Petrolhead (on iOS including a GP upgrade). In case you have a Petrolhead app purchased initially, it will be replaced by the beta and replaced again by the production version once it gets available. Please note any app distributed during beta will expire after a few weeks.

Important: to submit feature requests, use the feature request forum, not the beta channel. We will be heads down on fixing what is included. Everything else needs to be deferred (otherwise the time line is void very fast)...

Beta participants
While Android will be an "open" beta - i.e. (nearly) everybody willing can participate, iOS participation needs to be restricted. The reason for the later is the number of slots for participants is limited to a certain number of devices per year (a restriction by AppStore). As I ran out of devices last year, I need to be picky in 2014. The main problem with limited slots is I have seen many users signing up who did not actually contribute / find the time to test and send feedback. So for iOS, apply for participation only in case you are absolutely sure you will be able to spend time with the app. Time spent is not necessarily on track, but can be a custom track around the block, or even testing in office. For further requirements, please check the test focus below.

Test focus and system requirements
For iOS, experienced LapTimer users are sought. Reason for this is many new features will be the second thing new users will deal with. Basic operation of LapTimer has not changed since the last version, so I'd like to concentrate on the new items (see next section) and not beginner topics. For Android, experienced Rookie users are sought. Both users with iOS experience and without are fine.
The system requirements for Android are not finalized yet (especially overlaying would benefit from some Android 4.3 features...), the typical target device will be an upper mid tier or upper end device running Android 4.0 or later. For iOS any device supporting iOS7 or later is fine. An iPhone 5 or 5S is not required. iPads are welcome too. Any external option (GPS, OBD, cam) can be beneficial.

LapTimer v18 features
The list below is by no means complete and shows big points only. Like every major release, the number of individual changes is huge.
New Android Edition: LapTimer Petrolhead.
All LapTimer edition can participate in Challenges. Challenges can be submitted to the server and downloaded by other users. This allows driving against other times. More important, it is a great tool to compare your drive in details against others - e.g. your racing instructor. Challenges can be submitted public or to listed users only.
Lots of changes in video overlays: new vehicle specific gadgets like lean angle for motor bikes, extended OBD for cars, and calories burned and height profile for bicycles
Video exposure lock.
Multi lap overlays and video manipulation. Very convenient video management for full sessions.
Completely reworked Online functionality including browsing through all tracks active world wide. This new feature includes you are no longer required to have a track in your database to see track shapes and active driver positions.
LapTimer online view will be available directly on our LapTimer home page (includes desktop browsers).
New G-G chart for analysis of general driving maturity.
Reference lap comparison for Map chart in LapTimer's data recording.
Improved sensor support including sensor specific configurations (VBOX Sport, Dual XGPS, OBD2 4U, generic NMEA and OBD sensors).
Massive performance improvements for diagrams and imports.
MAP calculation for OBD, much improved power / fuel consumption calculations, support for Diesel engines.

Apply for participation
To apply for the beta program, please send the following information to
First and last name
Forum user id
Your smartphone model and other equipment
Android/iOS versions
For iOS users a confirmation you will be able to find the time to deal with the app

So, I think this is all for the moment, looking forward to an effective and successful beta phase.

- Harry
Thu Jan 23, 2014 3:54 pm

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