Forza 4 online club

Whats the best force feedback wheel for the x box then? Only just got forza 4 and feel like im missing out on the fun without a wheel?
Help/advice please guys
Ive just bought the Audi joest r15++tdi from the nov speed pack
Its downloaded to Audi garage with the letters dlc in the top lh corner
I click on it to buy it but it says content not available
Is it me cause as i understand it you can purchase the cars from the packs individually?
Having paid for the car but unable to use it i feel robbed!! Lol
Havent had this in particular but i know when i downloaded the'welcome' pack of cars and tracks it took a little while for me to be able to actually use em (a day or two) was very odd. May just be a case of waiting i little bit.
Thanks Roger - downloaded it over a wwek ago now
Frustrating cause when i view the car in the now pack it says 'purchased' in the top lh corner but i can't bloody use it!
tried deleting the download from the hard drive and redownloading it? You wont get charged twice so dont worrry about that.
Graeme you're a bloody star mate!
Checked my hard drive and it said incomplete, deleted it and re-downloaded and VOALA!!
There she is
Thanks again
that was my bad, wrong button and rejected it and never new who it was, send another inite i promise to acept this one lol
will add you when i get my internet back online, which will be mon/tue next week. Life sucks without internet. Can only get on at work for now. Poo!
I have literally just brought the game and so far it seems a few bonuses as i ported my profile over from Forza 3 as well.

I have put in my club request just need accepting :smile: vivid white

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