Experiment to try with Coca Cola


Platinum Member
I found this out by accident last weekend, and tried it on the wife and a friend.

Have a couple of sips of Coca Cola (cold from fridge - either can, glass bottle or normal bottle).

Try eating a piece or two of raw carrot. Then try the Coke again.

In my opinion, the coke tastes far better AFTER eating the carrot, and my wife and friend think the same.

Try it and let me know?! :smile:

A similar experiment involves drinking some coke, then eating some rotten flesh then drinking some more coke. You'll be amazed at how good the coke tastes in comparison :tongueout:
Plus the carrots are good for your eyesight, you never see a rabbit with glasses.
Plus the carrots are good for your eyesight, you never see a rabbit with glasses.

I dont know so much.
