DVLA say car needs an MOT 2 weeks shy of 3 years

has anyone had problems taxing their 3 year old cars on line, i tried last week and it said my car needed an MOT although the car was 2 weeks shy of three years old, i spoke to the dealers and they confirmed it was registered on the 30th Nov.
worrying thing is if the DVLA say this then the police ANR would have this info as well.
i carried the reciept round with me just in case i did get pulled.

been down this morn and its passed.:jump1:
You can MOT the car upto one month early, so in your case when the 30th of October passed, then it will show as due on the system.

Did you get it to expire on the 30th November 2011?
Ill do pnc on ure car if u want tomorrow pm me ure number plate i can tell u for certain :smile:
no ta Woody you might find a lot of stuff about me that i'd rather keep private.:oops:

off to post office now to do it the old fashioned way
Everything i do would be strictly confidential. No problem mate, thght i cudda helped :smile:
I'd be carefull using pnc Woody, that thing is watched like a hawk! I used to be an archive clark for Staffs.
I know arran i would have to fill out a form after a pnc as to y i used it.
^^^ Depends if they catch up with you hahaha :lol:

Good news that it has passed mate, I didn't have that issue as at some point someone only put 6mths tax on the car so it doesn't coincide with the service anymore, which IMO is good for spreading the cost! You do need the MOT before it can be taxed so if you were trying to tax it without then that would have caused the problem, you will also need the same MOT certificate when getting tax again in either 6months or a new one in 12 months, whichever you got.
25 over the limit is classed as either "driving without due care and attention" or " dangerous driving" the latter wud be 1000 maximum fine 6 points or a court hearing. WDCA would be similar but a lesser fine and no hearing.

Things are taken into account such as weather, amount of traffic on road at time of offence, time of day, distance travelled at said speed.

100 + is throw book at you big time lol
Mine was registered on 23rd November 2007. They managed to tax it in October originally somehow, so I had no need for an MOT to get my tax!
Mine was registered on 23rd November 2007. They managed to tax it in October originally somehow, so I had no need for an MOT to get my tax!

Yeah, mines the same. Essentially I've lost a months Roadtax. S*dding dealers.
jesus christ, why so much for first year? quite glad i am buying one here and not at home lol.
£235 ain't too bad, but that is only going to go up anyway, to something more ridiculous.
it's a fuc king disgrace how morons in sh it cars pretending to be green can use the road for free, and my dad pays over £400 a year to tax his s2000. global warming to blame apparantly, tell that to the weather!! global warming my fat one.
jesus christ, why so much for first year?

That's the Government's tax on us for not buying a 1.poo ECO embracing car.


Still, it could be £1000 in the first year, and I'd still own one. Global Warming my arse...

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