Colour trials.

Ok matt colours are a pain to photoshop but I've given it a try will upload results in a second once I'm done.
As I said I'm looking for a colour that no other Clio has just yet. As the above colours are on a Clio it rules them out :smile:
So here are a few more. The matt ones are crappy but meh :tongueout:
Side only as I cba to do it from the front to (that and I deleted my PSD for the front)


Pink/Red (I am female it had to be done)

Dark Grey

a more blue purple

Here are the matte ones



Muddy red

Something a little different
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I really like orange but it isn't an option. I can not own 2 orange cars :smiley:

Lime green

I'm still favoring purple in one of the guises I've photoshopped (either the first lighter purple or the purple green flip)
how about mars red (if thats what its called) like the old 172/V6, its like a dark metalic red.

I'd imagine that the standard UR wouldn't be to far off from flame red (although flame red is a bit more darker then my version)

Reason why no orange is this
Simple solution would be to sell the Fezza and do the Clio in orange haha! :smiley:

Then buy an understated practical car :huh:

I do like the chameleon color - but I think it only works on TVR's
The 197 is my practical car!

The fezza was my daily but the engine lump in it is now out of a mondeo so no way I'd want it as my day to day, which was why the Clio was brought.

Unfortunately me being me I have to change things (when the plan was to keep it as is)

I think the flip one would be interesting. Again someone has it on a fiesta and it really does look better in rl than in a picture and if I was to go down the flip route it would be purple/blue rather then purple/green.
For me the purple needs to be a little darker. Orange looks great but you have your reasons. White also nice in the Matt finish, not sure about upkeep on Matt vinyl, know the paint is a pain. But no pain, no gain.


Can't find a pic of the Matt White Koenisegg from this months top gear mag, but it looks the dogs.
I've already decided matt is a no no. Unless I want to be out there cleaning it daily as its sucks for marks.

That was the purple I originally fancied the deeper one but the OH isn't to keen on it.
I think I'm going to have to go down the purple route just because I've always wanted a purple car
Now to hunt somewhere in Kent/Surrey/S London/Essex that do wraps and have a good reputation. Don't care about price as I'd rather pay more for a better job.

Any recommendations?
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