197: Close Calls...

I'd love to go on an Autobahn and open up the taps on the MPS. Claimed is resticted to 155mph but guys on the MPS forum are saying they'll do 165 mph on the clock! Wow! And I can get shopping in the boot too!
Be Carefull guy's ive had tickets in the meg without even being stopped by police!
The camera's on some bridges will clock your average speed!
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100 plus is a ban no questions asked and I can't really see the cops just letting u go on ur merry way up the road if they have just clocked u at 125 speeds like that can even result in u getting the jail
And also u can't have ur average speed taken Without being properly notified that this is happening so unless u see the average speed camera signs I wouldnt worry too much
Anyone know if motorway ASC still work if you change lane? I heard a rumour that they don't.
i rember the other month , i kanked the 200 of a decent sized dual carrigeway roundabout, and a officer of the law was comeing the towards the roundabout, but all he done was wave his fingers, at me like my mum used to when was a kid to tell me off lucky slowed me rite down.
The day i picked my 197 up, I had been in the car literally 5 minutes. Nice empty road I done what every man in my shoes would of done, I turned to the misses and said those famous words ... "lets see what this baby's made of then", dropped it down a cog and let the little clio have it.
After coming over the brow of a hill clocking tripple figures i spot a traffic car parked in the laybay. Slammed the anchors on and dropped back down to 70, aswell as dropping the contents of my bowel into my calvin kleins. As I breezed passed him slowly after just soiling myself he came after me and pulled me over. I walked over to the car and spot the speed gun on the passenger seat and for the 2nd time in 5 minutes i soiled myself again. Anyway sat in the car , explained that i had just picked the car up and seen the empty road and my childish inner self got to me and i put my foot down a bit too much. To which he very abruptly replied "your one lucky ****er !". Turns the gun around and the two digits read out 99 ... yes i had been clocked at 99mph. He said he could take me to court for 98 and over but said he can understand with it being a new car etc etc ...He sent me on my way with 3 points and a £60 fine. Needless to say cruise control stayed at 70mph all the way home !
I was doing 70+60ish Warp Speeds chasing a Civic Type R down the duel carriageway the other day when a fine officer of the law was on the other side of the central reservation coming towards us. Needless to say both I and Mr Civic vacated at the next slip road and vanished into seperate side roads. After 3 Benson and Hedges my heart rate settled to a sensible BPM.
Yr very lucky - Live in MKeynes and last sunday, i has an unmarked 205 following and looked like a plain young couple. Hit carriageway and opened it up but luckily did not exceed 80 and 2 miles up the road a marked car pulled me over and peugeot pulled up behind after and got a talking to about acceleration sense and speed.

No fine though as they did not catch me speeding as such and was bang on 30 driving through town.

I blame reanualt, car just begs to be spanked haha.

One thing though, the do keep details, so if you are collared and they have "intelligence" about your habbits, they will not be shy with dishing out what they can get away with.
I'm well aware of the speeds these things do lol!

A Volvo was up my arse today coming onto a slip road so I casually dropped to 3rd and floored it... Next thing I knew I was doing 90 knots and had made quite the gap between myself and the volvo lol... Then I dropped back down to 70 for my cruise home :smile:

I still need to give this thing a good drive! Motorways are ****e! Does anyone from Wigan want to show me around the roads? :smile:

I did pass an officer with a speed gun on the motorway and shat myself a bit... But then I remembered I had cruise control set to 70 so the decal matter returned to my bowel :smile: