Annoying noise from back of the car(videos included)


Hi many of the members on here,my car has developed some annoying noise.I only work 5 mins from where i live so havent noticed until yestreday when i went to Malton..
1. the car needs to warm up to experience it
2. it usually occurs when i let go off the throttle between 2,00rpm-3,000rpm..
3. sounds like its coming from the n/s/r..
4. it does not do it when cold..have to cruise around for a bit to warm up
ive removed the wheel to see if everything is tight.removed difuser,back seats,tightened the boot catch etc...
anyone experienced this too??any advice greatly appreciated..
it is driving me nuts:tongueout:anic:
thanks in advance
Exhaust rattling, sounds like it's touching the rear beam or something slightly

mine did it at that rpm roughly , quick adjustment and it's silent.
looks like il have to get under the car then..u mean to tighten the exhaust clamps near difuser and adjust??suppose u dont have any pics of what to do??
thanks a lot
Could be something simple on the exhaust, like just slipped on the rubbers slightly or something.
had a car on a jack and checked the exhaust..looked quite ok..didnt spot any movement or a wiggle..get it on the step..will find out whats going on!!
Could be the heat shield on the diffuser then..?

what ever it is, it's a simple fix once you find it