Wheel Bolt Brands for a 197


Platinum Member
I've seen official renault bolts are almost £100!

On eBay I've seen some for £19: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/250790340718

Surley, there's a good reason one set is £100 and one set is £20?

Does anyone have a recommended brand for me or will these boss ones do just fine?

Cheers mate, will take a look.

My original question still stands for anyone who can answer.
Cheers mate, will take a look.

My original question still stands for anyone who can answer.

Basically, ones renault and the other one is not.

Renault will have higher overheads than some guys in a small shop in cheham, the quality is not forced to be as good but if they charged £100 like renault you would not buy them.

They say they are zinc plated so should be able to last a while without corrosion, trouble is if they have a cheap or very thin coating once they've been on and off a couple of times thet coating could startcoming off and your back to square one.

What about some plastic nut covers?