What in the world is this? (Underbody of car)


Platinum Member
Hi guys,

I have my car on some ramps and I’ve been poking around underneath the car.

I saw this metal bar looking thing about the length of my arm spanning below the oil pan. Out of curiosity I unbolted it (4 bolts) and it came right off. No part number or Renault marks or anything… it seems to be some sort of brace for the suspension.

What is it? Is it supposed to be there?


I reckon it must be a suspension brace or reinforcement since I came across this website and it seems to hook up around the same spot: https://dynaparts.fr/en/ultraracing/214008-lower-bar-before-ur-renault-clio-c-05.html

Worth changing this out while I’m down there or is the stock one do the trick?
The one you’ve linked to is not in that location, it is a replacement for the blue part:IMG_4878.jpeg
R20BTG, thanks man for that. So it seems that aftermarket part would go a little further back.

It’s funny but I literally found the part just now (post #3) as you were posting haha. Oddly enough, It doesn’t have a name or part number from the site I found it on?


Does this part serve a purpose? Otherwise im
Going to clean it up and stick it back on there.