Warm weather tailgators


Tory of the Month
Today was quite a nice day with temperaturs hitting double figures, went out with my girlfriend and damn the amount of nob heads who are in my rear view mirror. Im not a slow driver but i do tend to stick to 65/70 when its open. It drives me nuts when people want to race in there ****ty polo. Sometimes i wonder why i even take notice and should just let them pass.
Does alot of you guys get the same **** around where you live?
Today was quite a nice day with temperaturs hitting double figures, went out with my girlfriend and damn the amount of nob heads who are in my rear view mirror. Im not a slow driver but i do tend to stick to 65/70 when its open. It drives me nuts when people want to race in there ****ty polo. Sometimes i wonder why i even take notice and should just let them pass.
Does alot of you guys get the same **** around where you live?

Yes. Just keep to the speed limit and out of the fast lane where you can. I've had plenty of people up my chuff because they think my racing stripes means I'm going to go faster lmfao.

I'm all for driving like a bit of a knob, I'm well known for it on here, but when I want to chill out and go for a cruise and save fuel the same time, this always happens!

Happens literally EVERY time I drive, there's always one...
Yes. Just keep to the speed limit and out of the fast lane where you can. I've had plenty of people up my chuff because they think my racing stripes means I'm going to go faster lmfao.

I'm all for driving like a bit of a knob, I'm well known for it on here, but when I want to chill out and go for a cruise and save fuel the same time, this always happens!

Happens literally EVERY time I drive, there's always one...

I'm glad I'm not the only one. its mostly on normal single carriageway roads. i don't understand sitting up someones rim, you cant see anything if you want to overtake and the clio isn't a nice car to sit behind with all the stones it likes to suck up and chuck out.
Dont normally have a problem, where I drive is mainly corners so if anything tries it, I loose them pretty fast lol. Rarley meet other hot hatches, just generally passat or audi a4 drivers lol...
Doesn't usually happen to me, I don't generally bite when it coes to tailgating or people after a traffic light GP. I do enjoy spirited driving on B roads though and sometimes can't resist if I find a BMW / Audi or similar in my mirror...or fellow Clio driver :wink:.
I used to get people try and goad me all the time in the Clio, mainly German rep mobiles but now I have the Elise it never happens.
I love traffic light GPs, it's my favourite sport! I do hate those who tailgate you in a 30mph zone and as soon as the end of limit signs are in sight, overtake and then go at 50mph in front of you!
I get this alot on coutry lanes it's usually Audi, VW and Ford drivers I have this problem with.
The most annoying thing for me is when people are scared of the speed limit. Or near my house there's a 40 mph limit and a speed camera, for some reason nearly everyone is terrified of the camera, and go at 25-30, it's pathetic. Yet they come past my house at 40+ mph and it's a 30 zone with a primary school just a couple of hundred yards further up.
It doesn't happen to me much, but when it does it tends to be the same as a few of you have already said - repmobiles :001_rolleyes: or for some reason recently, white van man! But then I think they tailgate everyone don't they :smiley:
As per the usual suspects already mentioned... Though for the last fews week I've had the same Mazda 5 derv hooning it up my arse on the way to work. I'm happy to play in the twistys with most other cars, but this chap is on a suicide mission to make progress on every straight long enough for his boost to kick in! I don't get it!
Worst thing is most of these people will be on budget tires and have never changed break fluid etc hah
maybe i just react to easily haha. i quite like braking hard as soon as it turns into 30/40. some people drive like they have a death wish tho, i had one guy try over take me on a blind bend so being me i gunned it so he had to pull back in. he sat right up my chuff all the way into 30mph zone when i decided to pull over and let him pass. He pulled up next to me and opened his window and said nothing, admittedly i called him a **** a few times but when i looked closer he had his wife and a small child in the back. I was gob smacked, i regretted being gobby tho as he was built like a brick **** house.
This is a strange one to get used to coming from a 1.6 Ford Focus to a 197.....The amount of cars that fly up behind, even on a dual carriage way, then rather than going round/overtaking, sit a few feet from your bumper... As others have said, I'm all up for a good blast on a decent road, but racing a few hundred meters between traffic lights in a 30 just isn't appealing in the slightest!
This is a strange one to get used to coming from a 1.6 Ford Focus to a 197.....The amount of cars that fly up behind, even on a dual carriage way, then rather than going round/overtaking, sit a few feet from your bumper... As others have said, I'm all up for a good blast on a decent road, but racing a few hundred meters between traffic lights in a 30 just isn't appealing in the slightest!

I noticed the exact same thing coming from a standard clio to my 197, seems everyone wants to race, always in a ****ty polo or golf like someone above said as well
Happens more in my gf's twingo 133 surprisingly..