Very cheap exhaust mod

So I got rid of the Renault end trims tonight.Then I thought I'd clean up the original tips .Trouble is you can't really see them .So a bit of humbrol model yellow enamel latter ......................
Oooooo I like that idea! Looks superb too!

I had never thought of that at all, how will it hold up under the heat though?

One thing I would have to do is remove the CLIO NCAP rating from the rear window lol!
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i quite like it in a strange way, lol

but it does look 10x better than the sleeves did, :smile:

it gets a :thumbup: from me.
i just wire wool my ends with 0000 grade and they look nice and shiny after. I am liking ure idea though
Trims back on without clamps

The trims are a tight fit if fitted as far on as they will go,used a Snap On plastic malet to get them right home.
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