How long does your battery last on the RX200 mod?
I am looking for something that wont need charging every half a day and ideally would last all day while out on about.
the TFV8 seems a very capable tank and works very well as you say with the right mod.
My dad has currently got the TFV8 tank along with the IJOY Limitless LUX dual MOD
The flavour you get when you upgrade to the better is unreal.
Just all depends on how much you use it and at what Wattage you run it on!
On heavy use the RX will last most of the day if using it on a reasonable wattage between 40w-60w.
Everyday i use the Sigelei as it will last the whole day of use at even 90w-100w and its not as bulky.
The IJoy is a very good mod, yes the flavours are worlds apart on the better mods and tanks, but have to say for the starter units the Aspire PockeX is not far off them for such a basic item.