Track day people


Supercharged Platinum Member
Platinum Member
Question about the tow eye cover, does everyone leave it hanging or cut the tag and take it off? When i did bedford i didnt like the idea of it waving about, seemed a bit flimsy!!?

What does everyone else do on there 197? :smile:
Should be able to take the cover off completely without it dangling, just need to pinch the plastic forked section at the end that looks like ---> together to get it out.
I had a look but couldnt see it, next track day ill have a better look! Or i might snip it, id me so mad if it flew off lol!
Should be able to take the cover off completely without it dangling, just need to pinch the plastic forked section at the end that looks like ---> together to get it out.


Have a fiddle and you'll see where you can take it out without damaging it. It is quite lightweight though and after a few removals it'll break. I just take mine off now and have the TRS poking out. :wink:
I'm at Bedford evening next, if you go I will show you, it's quite easy.