Thinking of A-Class :-/

So thinking of swapping the back breaking 197 for a more comfy Mercedes A-Class.

As its the CUP I own, it really is basic. It's amazing round corners and I love the screaming rev range. But at the moment it just isn't compensating enough for me to forget about the ride/lack of creature comforts.

I'd get the 200 CDi AMG Sport, it's double the MPG, less than half the insurance, less than half the tax, has ALOT more toys... But haven't had chance to check the ride out, as haven't took it for a test drive.

Obviously I'm going to miss the power, but I was considering getting a project/track car (Westfield/early Evo) for that fix, but have a comfy, cheaper car to run as a daily.

What do people recon?
If it's the very new A-Class then I say go test drive it, but the past ones have been overpriced rubbish IMO. Mercedes have made a giant leap forward in the A & B-Class designs. Look like nice normal cars!
The new A-Class looks great! If your looking for comfort then the CUP isn't going to do you any favours, you could always pick up a cheap 197 for track only use anyway if you wanted thrills.
I'd much rather go for a 3-series (330d!), should be a much better drivers car than the a-class
The 1 series is more of the A-Class competitor and they're ugly. New A3 looks quite good too.
Yeah the new one series looks like a pig. I'd take the A-Class just to be different, every ten bob millionaire in Barsnley has a 1-Series (preferably in white, and a coupe convertible if daddy has a few pennies)