Absolutely its a choice dont like iphone - sell it buy something else! its only a phone hardly worth getting upset about, sometimes and i think we are all guilty of it we lose sight how lucky we are to be able to afford a nice car and a nice phone in the first place these things just get so taken for granted nowadays..
It's the way it's all wormed into our lives and how they dictate how we use them and how often we need a new one.
Just noticed this morning one of my favourite apps (a game) has now fallen by the wayside with iOS 11. Why should they decide I can't use it any more? What is in the operating system that causes a stand alone program with no need to download anything or connect to the internet to stop working? Why should they decide we need to spend £7/800 every two years?
Imagine going to start up your Clio one morning and it runs like a bag of nails because Renault want you to by a new one? Imagine wanting to keep on running a petrol car? Tough shit, we're all going to be electric very soon. No choice. And why? Not because it's better, because the big guys have realised they can force us in that direction sooner than we need to and they'll do very handsomely out of it.
It's a con. Backwards compatibility could be easily written into future software to allow a line in the sand position. Why isn't it? They wouldn't get as much money. Why isn't there a cure for cancer yet? We spend more on war. Hell, why isn't there a cure for a cold? We all just need to shut up and keep buying beechams and lemsip and cough syrup (which has been proven to do absolutely cock all, Boots shelves are full of it...)
Lots of things could be better, last longer and less expensive to the consumer. They're not because they want our money.
It's like going into Tesco where you have to do your own checkout now. A fuck load cheaper for them. Do I get a discount? No, they're essentially fleecing me for more money.
Adobe software. You used to be able to buy them individually. Now you can't. You have to have everything and subscribe to an update based service, like it or not.
As for having a choice, we don't really. We're dictated to. Boils my piss.
Don't poke the bear mate!