Is this a renault thing?
Some days it feels super smooth and other days it can feel a tad notchy
I don't think i have a clutch prob but sometimes the gearbox seems a bit vague if you know what i mean ,also now and again dosent like 5th to 4th
no crunching though
is this a 'normal' thing or do you think something sinister is underlying?
I have it booked in the dealer next week,still in warrenty but i don't wish to start paying for investigation work if this is how they all are
any thoughts welcome
cheers phil
Some days it feels super smooth and other days it can feel a tad notchy
I don't think i have a clutch prob but sometimes the gearbox seems a bit vague if you know what i mean ,also now and again dosent like 5th to 4th
no crunching though
is this a 'normal' thing or do you think something sinister is underlying?
I have it booked in the dealer next week,still in warrenty but i don't wish to start paying for investigation work if this is how they all are
any thoughts welcome
cheers phil