Swirls .. Teeside

I'm wanting to get my properly valeted and want to get rid of the swirls out of the paint work, can anyone recommend anywhere in the Teesside area to have this done?
Theres a place in Hartlepool done a good job on a mates GW i will get the number but was not cheap from memory,If you fancy a run to sheffield i know a lad who dose a great job and great price.
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Would be good please mate, I wouldn't like to try it my self so would be happy to pay someone who knows what they are doing.
I had mine done by DDB Valeting near Wallsend, cost me £250 last summer. The change was huge after it'd been done. That place Mark has mentioned in Hartlepool also gets good comments too
Cheers, I do want it doing but didn't realise how expensive it would be, I did know it wouldn't be cheap, may have to wait a month or two until funds allow it!

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