Speedo / Dash rattle...

I know, I know, being a Renault I should probably expect it - but I was wondering if any of you guys had experienced the same problem or possibly even solved it...

Basically a rattle has developed right in front of me, around the speedo / instrument cluster area and is very audible at 50mph +. Now if I apply pressure on the clear pastic covering the dials, in between the 'Stop' and spanner symbols (right at the bottom centre) it stops, but as soon as the pressures released its back instantly :chair:

Possible the surround is loose or a clip has come off.

Pull it off mate and have a look :smile: see if it does it with the surround off.
Possible the surround is loose or a clip has come off.

Pull it off mate and have a look :smile: see if it does it with the surround off.

Can the speedo surround be removed on its own then? From a quick glance I assumed that it was a one peice dash meaning the entire thing would have to be removed...
The trim around the steering column on mine rattles and a quick push down on it stops it for... oh about 30 seconds until the next speed bump or pot hole!

Love the roads in Sheff, NOT