Some LY Goodness ( Updated with more piks)

Cheers bud for the link.

I've ordered R200 FTW and got it really cheap too so pretty happy at that :smiley:
I'm gonna order some tickets tonight so we'll have to meet up and convoy down bud :thumbup:
That's a quality plate mate :smiley: and yea Nate get it done and we ll cruise down together defo :smile:

Haha, well it should certainly help make her turn heads. Just gotta give her a good clean, polish and wax the day before FCS and she'll be rocking though it's pretty spotless anyway :smiley:

Sounds like a plan bud!
Well I've decided to start doing bits to her as and when I have the spare cash so should be even better by FCS 13 :clap:
The colour certainly helps, only seen you about once since you've brought yours and mine was filthy :tongueout:

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