

"the troll hunter" with added boost!
This keeps making me mad, more than my base line level of mad anyway...

On replies to some threads whenever I try to do the :smiley: smily it comes out as :d even though I've written : + D . It appears a rouge hamster is lose from its wheel in the background and is lower casing my shenanigans :@ :chair:
Hmmmmmmmm, need to look into the smiley storage facilities I think :smile:
Just read this on Admin CP:

Text to Replace
This is what the user will type to have transformed into a smilie. For example :smile: or :worried: - keep in mind, this is case-sensitive. S:smile: and s:smile: are not the same thing.
This only applies to Smilies

So I have now made both d and D into :d & :smiley:

:smiley: :d