Side Skirt


Platinum Member
ive noticed that my side skirt had come away so put another clip on but the plastic on the sideskirt that grips the clip is very flexible and doesn't hold. Has anybody got any ideas on a fix or do i have to buy another sideskirt and my car is a 10 plate with 6 months manufactures warranty left would this be covered?IMG_0522_zps84e8595c.jpg
Try Renault with your warranty. If not there's very little some windscreen sealant won't hold!
Trust someone to notice the the white sock flip flop and there was me taking the photo quick so nobody saw me lol
Forgot to mention asked Renault about sagging glove box and the service manager said adjustment of glovebox is only covered for first 3 months of warranty and that I can't claim for it now as they all sit wonky and I'm over the three months. I have 6 months manufactures warranty left and he said its not covered
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Forgot to mention asked Renault about sagging glove box and the service manager said adjustment of glovebox is only covered for first 3 months of warranty and that I can't claim for it now as they all sit wonky and I'm over the three months. I have 6 months manufactures warranty left and he said its not covered

Ask them to put that in writing then make a call to renault customer services.