RS200 Cup - projectors fitted

Thanks for helping me out on this. I may sound like a noob now but what type is a FF?
I was planning to install a 6000K HID-kit too. Which brand did you buy? Pilot? Any chance that you have some pics of yours?

FF means Full Fat clio (without cup chassis) Ive always bought my hid's from the same company for 5 years or so and they have all been fantastic, plus they are slim ballasts and always come with a 2 year warranty


IMG_0102.jpg IMG_0103.jpg
Just back from the garage where we fitted the projectors and de HIDs. Extremely happy with the result!




Sorry for the crappy iPhone pics, I will try to upload some decent pics tomorrow.
Hello dutchman,

Welving here, i also just introduced myself here.
I'm from Zwolle, NL.

Nice Clio, maybe i see it one day in real life. You don't see Thatcher much Clio RS on the road in NL.


Thanks all! This reminds me that I have to post proper pics of the projector mod. Need to wash my car!

@ Martin; indeed there are not a lot of Clio RS' on the Dutch roads :worried: Maybe we will meet once!