Rio Olympics


Bad cop
So who's watching and what?

Just fyi for anyone who is not aware, the female beach volleyball is well worth a watch, such quality sportsmanship! Well worth a view :wink:
There are other sports with lovely looking ladies competing but beach volleyball rules..
Good result for two of our swimmers last night :smile:

Im looking forward to the cycling in the velodrome!!!
So who's watching and what?

Just fyi for anyone who is not aware, the female beach volleyball is well worth a watch, such quality sportsmanship! Well worth a view :wink:

Chris trying to convince us he watches the beach volleyball for it's sporting and tactical merits:

I had big ideas for yesterday. Some of it car related.

In reality i woke up at 5am with a headache; watched the Olympics ALL day - and went to bed at 10pm with the same 'kin headache.

So yes - i watched my fair share ! Most interesting thing i think is seeing some "niche" sports that dont normally get any coverage...........

And doesn't Rio look an interesting place. Not a Holiday for the wife and kids i dont think, but a place i'd love to visit.
Played beach volleyball for 4 hours today..3 a side but its a serious absolutely knackered plus I didn't look half as good as them tight chicks in Rio..
Great fun nevertheless