UPDATE: the noise is from the AC clutch/pulley assembly.
Ever since I changed the timing and aux belts I've had this sound, but lately it's been getting worse. It sounds like someone ringing a small bell or something hitting against some hollow metal part. It's a ting-ting-tingeling- ring-ting-tingelign-ishy sound. At first I put it down to a faulty auxiliary belt tensioner bearing (it was replaced but I may have gotten a bad part), but now I'm not sure.
I've had a listen around, and the auxiliary belt tensioner sounds like it does have a rough bearing, but I cant hear the tingeling sound through the stethoscope so I can't be sure.
I took my chances and elected not to replace rubber damped crank wheel for the timing belt, could it make such a noise? What are the symptoms of this failing?
I have not been able to listen to the AC compressor, so that too is a possible source.
Ever since I changed the timing and aux belts I've had this sound, but lately it's been getting worse. It sounds like someone ringing a small bell or something hitting against some hollow metal part. It's a ting-ting-tingeling- ring-ting-tingelign-ishy sound. At first I put it down to a faulty auxiliary belt tensioner bearing (it was replaced but I may have gotten a bad part), but now I'm not sure.
I've had a listen around, and the auxiliary belt tensioner sounds like it does have a rough bearing, but I cant hear the tingeling sound through the stethoscope so I can't be sure.
I took my chances and elected not to replace rubber damped crank wheel for the timing belt, could it make such a noise? What are the symptoms of this failing?
I have not been able to listen to the AC compressor, so that too is a possible source.
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