Oh no...


South West Rep
My poor baby, half took my car cover off today because it finally was not raining or dark and noticed when looking in from the boot something white on the seats.

Pulled the cover off a bit more so I could open the drivers door and was confronted with this...





Drivers seat was the worst with the others just having a few specs, steering wheel was starting to get spots so I think I just caught it in time.

Hoovered up fine and wiped everything down with disinfectant wipes. When I bring the car back on the road I will wet vac everything, wrong time of year to do it now.

Made sure my air vents are shut now and will be buying a few of them moisture catchers to try and prevent this from happening again :thumbdown:
sure is mould, we have this day in day out at work, only way to get rid is by a valet, there was some moisture in the car, either that or a window was open
Ye, that looks quite nasty. I would say get one of those moisture things or try and get the garage heated.

Or you could just drive it some! Lol!
Ye its mould, caused by our lovely climate in the UK.

Condensation is building up on the inside and as a result mould is starting to grow because the airs so damp.
Smells horrible that :bored:

I had mould on my seats when i collected from the dealers.

They'd valleted it at that :thumbdown:
Get loads of that silica gel in there (The wee bags you often find when you buy new shoes).
That's the thing, I checked everywhere and its bone dry just like the day when I covered the car so no water is getting in.

I'm sure its just due to condensation, ordered a moisture catcher so I hope this will solve the problem.

Funny thing is the car does not smell at all, no damp smell or anything like you would expect. Smells nice and fresh if anything.