Not been payed...advice

Hi Guys

Hopefully all will be rectified easily but just wanted to know where i stand if anything happens,

Been temping at a warehouse till i start at my new job in Dec, Been there since the 1st of oct and recieved my pay slips every week, I have small commission that i earn each month from another job that helps cover most out goings which is why for those who are think WTF how has he not realised i dont check my bank very often as im not spending much to worry about it, Only when i went to an ATM today and twiged that over £1400 wasnt in my account i checked my stements and i havent been payed once!

Have called the agency and they are re checking my bank dtails tomorrow, Does this mean that some sod has been getting my wages? and i am entitled to all my pay in full still? Bit nervous as its alot of money!

Thanks in advance

I would have thought so mate, they can't not pay you. E.on are rubbish with that kind of thing too, it's most likely their fault. If it is, they should pay you straight away.
i would ring ACAS, they will sort it out for you. i have not been paid loads of times. its rubbish tbh and your employer is actually breaking the law by not paying you on the date agreed in a temp or permanent contract.

it depends on your circumstances but you could do do allsorts to make sure you get what your owed, like putting the companies plant and equipment on ebay and sending them a link.

that always gets a response, or if your a foreman like a mate of mine dont turn up to site until you have the money in the bank. it works a treat because he has all the keys for the cabins.
before contacting acas or kicking off you need to see what the agency says. If that have paid in the wrong account they should rectify this straight away and pay the backdated amount due. As a recommendation, a soft approach will give you more result than threat.
It is only if they start playing funny that yo need to talk about acas and further action.
I have been paid some but not all owed yet, the agency seem to be being fair about it so i will check my balance tomorrow as i forgot to check again on friday, Apparently the sort code was wrong but the one given was correct so was a simple typo,

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