My new LY R27!

So, after months and months of deliberation and persuading my parents it wasn't a stupid car to buy, I finally bought my R27 off Steve Murr last Friday!
Sorry about the crappy iPhone camera and my mates matching t shirt!






Thanks for looking :smile:
Looks smart, is the plate yours or allready on it?

Nearly says renault :thumbup:
Best colour out of all of them this is. (I had a red one too :wink: )

Let your parents drive it, then ask them if it is still a stupid car to have bought :wink::wink:

Just jealous they are :wink:
Best colour out of all of them this is. (I had a red one too :wink: )

Let your parents drive it, then ask them if it is still a stupid car to have bought :wink::wink:

Just jealous they are :wink:

I took my mum for a very sedate little ride in it the other day... Let's just say that it ended up with her screaming at me to slow down. Worst. passenger. in. the. world!

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