
I average 25 mpg. Said that last night. It's always going to be worse in the winter though, I leave the engine running whilst I scrape the ice of the windows, then there is the choke and the engine doesn't get up to temp as quick either. Fuel is probably more dense too.
no matter how carefull i am i cant get over 30mpg. dont know how you manage that!! on a run its quite bad too cos its revving its ass off in 6th ath 80-90mph
i were lucky if i got over 13 MPG in my old 16v.

i dont think people buy renault sports for economy though tbh.
no matter how carefull i am i cant get over 30mpg. dont know how you manage that!! on a run its quite bad too cos its revving its ass off in 6th ath 80-90mph

do 70 then!!

lol. i can't talk, can't remember the last time i sat at 70 on the motorway....
no matter how carefull i am i cant get over 30mpg. dont know how you manage that!! on a run its quite bad too cos its revving its ass off in 6th ath 80-90mph

you serious :confused1:
55 on the motorway to huddersfield gets me 40mpg. fill here in cheltenham and fill when i come back 35.7 litres of fuel. work and back is 7miles car is never revved aboved 3000rpm i just drive easy and slowly lol. car is totally wasted on me. i love it but sorry i bought it now. :worried: will be dropping the price and taking a big hit on it :worried:..... needs must its far to dear to import back to ireland... although i could be fly and reg it in the north at my friends but live in the south :001_unsure::001_unsure:

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