Matched Inlets

think I might get an enlarged TB and then get my map tweaked and leave it at that. Opened my eyes up a bit readying some of Litchys/Willis posts. These are fantastic cars as they are so might just concentrate on a few cosmetic touches.

Cheers guys
I would love to meg it that would be special, I'm going to have a think of what I want to do with it after Christmas, I really do fancy a maxogen 64/63 throttle body and a remap to see if that helps but after reading this thread dno if I fancy the matched inlets maybe worth a try like the flywheel.
God you can spend some money on these cars lol

I fancy a few track days because you just can't enjoy the car on roads today plus it's agenst the law haha

Think you will see a nice bit of performance with a custom maxogen set up and a cat back then a map from RS tuning,this is all i have done and it feels lots better than standard.
If your ever over my way you can have a spin out in it to give you a bit of a idea:smile:
think I might get an enlarged TB and then get my map tweaked and leave it at that. Opened my eyes up a bit readying some of Litchys/Willis posts. These are fantastic cars as they are so might just concentrate on a few cosmetic touches.

Cheers guys

enlarged TB is the most pointless mod you can do
Think you will see a nice bit of performance with a custom maxogen set up and a cat back then a map from RS tuning,this is all i have done and it feels lots better than standard.
If your ever over my way you can have a spin out in it to give you a bit of a idea:smile:

enlarged TB is the most pointless mod you can do

I think I'm going to stick to the exhaust is decat it comes tomorrow :smile: maxogen and remap, as there is mixed opinions on other mods.

Y is the enlarged tb pointless mate
Not really...

Granted it's not an instant 100BHP mod', but it does change the feel of the car.
all enlarging the TB will do is give you more throttle opening, for less pedal movement. That can give the impression of better response, but in reality, you're just pushing the engine harder.

A well developed remap will do more
I really like how the enlarged throttle body made the car drive, i thought it was worth it.
The thing that people often forget is how the car makes you feel. Not always measurable on RR. TB was a great mod with the V6 Airbox as it changed the characteristics of the engine plus the sound was awesome. Cant get that in the same way with any remap. The jury is firmly out with me and remapping standard NA cars anyway. Stating the obvious but a remap works well only on a unhealthy car to start with....
I was reading something earlier this week about a back to back RR test using two different cars on the same dyno', with only the engine oil being changed between runs. The first run was how the cars turned up to set a baseline. The second run was with both cars drained and then filled with your standard longlife 10W40 engine oil, warmed up and ran again. The third and final run was the same process but with some top top top fully-synthetic oil... One car lost 4BHP but gained 40lbFt, the other car gained 8BHP and 26lbFt.

So for the price of Matched Inlets, you could buy some oil, gain more power then you would have done and still have change for a pizza and a beer...

I think on these engines particularly it's the sum of all parts that add up. No idea if the bigger TB improves power, but it does feel nicer. :thumbsup:
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Sure it was 40, off the top of my head it was a Focus ST and an Astra VXR. I'll see if the page is still in my history. :smile:
Yeah think it was, it wasn't on their website though... I stumbled on it by accident during one of my latenight meanderings!!! :smiley: