Leaking damper.


CLIO CUP groupee.
Platinum Member
I've got oil all over my passenger side rear damper, looks like it's buggered.

Cars still under renault warranty till later this month, will this be covered under the warranty?

Been hearing a bang from the back, thought it was my boot latch loose then as it's got slightly louder thought it was the spare wheel banging about as i hit hard bumps in the road, at least i now know what it is.

If it's not covered under warranty might put 200 cup rear dampers on, are they a little more uprated?
Sorry, it's a 197 cup so i mean will the 200 cup dampers be more uprated?
Should be covered under warranty. 200 cup dampers are stiffer than 197 cup dampers but if you change them then you need to change the fronts too.