Key card

Hi all,

Hope this is in the right section.

whilst playing football my keycard got a good smack of the ball and has cracked and almost in two parts, although it's still working I was wondering how I go about replacing it and will this be pricey?

Thanks, Jamie
I don't think the key card itself is pricey, but you need to get it programmed to your car and I think only Renault can do that at a bit of a cost
Is the circuit board inside okay? If so buy a case off eBay for a tenner that's what I did once the dealer replaced it :smile: there's website that show you how to change it I'll have a look for the link :smile:
Yeah the circuit board is fine, just all the plastic cracked in awkward places. I've ordered a new case of eBay so thanks for that information! Will be following the above link very closely if I'm to have any chance of getting this right!! :smiley: Cheers for the help mate!
Test the circuit board when you remove it aswel I snapped a connection on mine but just took seconds to solder back on :smile: also the battery connections are molded in so have to cut the plastic there aswel before getting the circuit board out :smile:

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