Is this acceptable?

Should i accept this shoddy work?

  • Yes, i only paid £75, get on with my life.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, keep complaining and making a nuisance of myself

    Votes: 39 66.1%
  • Start a one man war against bristol street motors.

    Votes: 10 16.9%
  • Go in the dealership and let all thier other customers know what a shoddy service they do.

    Votes: 10 16.9%

  • Total voters


CLIO CUP groupee.
Platinum Member
I collected my car from the local (ex) renault dealers yesterday after having a new recaro seat cover fitted under warrenty, the back rest not the base that normally goes.

I've had three jobs done now from the same garage and each time i've had problems and grief from them.

I tried to get this done in the summer but the garage ordered the base not the back, i ended up getting a voucher from renault to get the seat done when i was ready but t ran out at the end of this year so i had to get it done this week or lose out.

I made a point of making sure they ordered the right part by being sarcastic and telling them three times it was the seat back, not the part you sit on the part you lean against, i did this when booking it in last week.

Then i got a phone call from the garage tuesday to confirm i'd got my car booked in thursday and they were replacing the back seat, i said i hoped they had not ordered a back seat as i'd made a point of telling them it was the back of the seat, not the base and it's a recaro not the normal sport seat, she said she would order the right part.

Took the car in weds night as i started work at 04;15 so could not get it to them in the morning and asked then if they had the right part, they said yes and all is fine, what time did i want to collect?

I get a phone call the next day to say all is done and fine and they've done an health check and all is fine apart from one number plate light bulb out and they could not find my spare wheel :001_huh:

I really thought they outdone themselves this time and all would be fine.

I took the spare key with me so i could check it out before paying my contribution towards the seat (15%) and was horrified to see the bodge they had done.

We all know what they should look like


Mine looks like this


Three of those dashes are past were the back should be.

They've pulled it too tight in the sides


and the worse side


with an inch of material hanging out.

I told her i was'nt happy with the fit so she went to see a technician and then tried to tell me 'once it's been sat in for a while it'll pull straight and sit correctly'

I should never have paid for it but like an idiot i did but told her i wanted to write on the invoice . i was not happy with the fit/job' she wrote this on the invoice and signed it and she said when she rang renault up today she'd tell them that and they would call me.

After no call from renault this afternoon i rang them myself and spoke to the guy dealing with it who told me she had not said anything and he'd been told all was well and he ok'd the payment to go through, he was not happy and rang mansfield whilst i was on the phone, then i got to speak to the woman at mansfield who told me i need to go back and have it refitted so she booked me in fior the 3rd of jan.

One part of the cover lower down is that tight against the plastic corner i think it will wear through before that, i told her this and her reply was 'well that'll be down to renault, it's covered for 12 months by renault' i told her that would be down to them, they've fitted it wrong and caused the problem.

She told me they've not had any other problems with renault customers, only me, so by that i assume she means i should just accept their shioddy work and move on.:whatever:

Am i being unreasonable wanting it fitting again?
put it this way wayne,i wouldn't have been as understanding and easy going as you have,(that is in know way having a go at you btw matey)...regardless of you paying 15% or 100% they should be doing the job right first time,(lets face it they've done enough of them)...the workmanship in fitting that cover is poor to say the least and the waist of skin that fitted it must have known that,if i was his manager he'd be getting a f*cking for that,poor customer service again renault,when will they learn
Tut as if she's not had any other problems, it's the same b!tch I had a massive moan at! I had water in my rear light and her reply was 'well it'll be ok in the summer the sun will dry it out'

I'd go mental mate I've had so much hassle with Mansfield I refused to have my service there I had it transferred as they were awful, ask RUK to transfer you to a different dealership
Tut as if she's not had any other problems, it's the same b!tch I had a massive moan at! I had water in my rear light and her reply was 'well it'll be ok in the summer the sun will dry it out'

I'd go mental mate I've had so much hassle with Mansfield I refused to have my service there I had it transferred as they were awful, ask RUK to transfer you to a different dealership

how do they get away with it? if you carried on like that in most jobs you'd be down the road,some of the staff have an attitude which would make you think they where the ones paying for the work,:nope:
I voted for number 2 but in reality is be doing the bottom 3. I've found speakerng in a very loud voice (but not quite shouting) in a showroom is very effective. Got a free service our of Ford by doing that year's ago when they lost the keys to my fiesta following a service, they were found but only after a 3 hour search and me refusing to leave despite it being nearly an hour after they were supposed to close. Salesmen and all were searching, is quite funny looking back on it now.
That's sh!t mate, it looked bad on my phone but it looks even worse now I've seen it on the laptop.

I voted for the ''One Man War'' option, don't let them get away with that and take it as high up in RUK as you need to.
sometimes you have to ask yourself are these "renault master technicians" blind :blink:

or do they expect owners to accept any old piece of crap workmanship!!!!

that last picture is like its done for a joke or one of those "THIS IS HOW NOT TO FIT A RECARO COVER".....

I WOULD BE FUMING :whatever:
Wow, just wow. I don't expect a lot from Renault but even that takes the absolute piss. I voted for one man war, dumb asses.
D-Day tomorrow, goes back in to be re done.

Spent all afternoon cleaning the car as it had a bit of mud on it . .


. . but then i remembered they'd said they would valet the car for me too :hug1: so i plan on taking the courtesy car rallying.
lol wtf! how did u managed to get it like that?

Was at curborough last saturday and it pissed it down all morning, the toilet block was up the other end of the track and i nearly got stuck in the field at the side of it :blink:


Best dirty weekend i've had for ages.
Well, i think i'm just unlucky.

Was there this morning just before nine, went in told em what i was there for and she said i was not booked in :whatever:

She claims i was offered two dates and i did not tell her which one i wanted, i was offered the 3rd, today but i did say how awkard it could be getting in but then offered me the 28th, i told her i did not want to wait that long so went for the third.

She said she had no courtesey car but could get me home and get me picked up but i said this was no good as i had things to do and needed a car, i started raising my voice and asked her if she was calling me a liar about the booking, she asked me not to shout, i told her i was not shouting but when i do start shouting she'll know about it, manager came over and i asked why, three times i've bought my car in here and three times you've cocked it up.

I also asked her, in front of her manager why she said she would tell renault i was not happy with the fit of the cover but when ringing them to sort out renaults payment she did not, she said she'd forgot and apologised to me but i told her that was not good enough, they needed to know this and they would not have paid had they known, she did not say anymore.

She took my key and asked me to wait in the seated area, there were two other blokes waiting there and i was fuming and chuntering under my breath.

The manager came over and walked outside with one of the other guys, when he came back (the customer) he was mad too, his wipers had snapped off on his (own) work van and they'd ordered him a new motor and linkage and told him yesterday it was in and to bring his van in. then outside told him the part was on back order and did not know when it would be in, he was not too happy so we swapped stories and he'd been messed about before too.

After about 40 minutes they came back and told him renault were getting him an hire van and would cover his costs until sorted but it would be about dinner time before the van would be here, the manager just walked off then, never said anything to me.

I was going to give them until an hour then i would call renault up then ten minutes later (50 in total) she came back, gave me my keys and said it was done, i thanked her for her comunication skills and snatched the keys and went outside.

Looking at the car i thought that was it, the side nearest the door was great, one small crease but i'd say that'll come out, around the other side and it was better but still not perfect, it was still creased a good bit but it was sitting too high and it had the loose bit at the bottom still not fitted right.

I thought i'd have a go at poking that bit back in to see if it could be better but after two mins of this i noticed it was'nt right on the pattened part so i thought, 'why should i put up with this?'

So i went back in and told her, so now i have to take it back next weds, the 9th and they are going to take the whole lot off and start again.

I'm not too happy about this but i'm sort of happy it's costing them time and money now, and a courtesy car, but they should have got it right in the first place.

I've had to ring renault again and let them know whats happening and to be honest, they don't sound too happy about it either.

Next week is their last chance, any more problems and i'm going to charge them for my time.

Any way, rant over, i feel better for that, i'll sort out the pics later.
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F*cking hell Wayne, I'd be fuming mate! Bunch of tw&ts. Glad you reported it to RUK, its stuff like this that gives them a bad name.