Seem to have a bit of a problem with my 200. The car isn't idling properly. Car seems to idle at around 1500 rpm when I first start it in the morning and then once warmed up it seems like it can't decide whether to idle at 1000 rpm or just a bit over/under 1000 rpm. Started doing this end of last week. I also had 2 faults appear on dash "check ESP" and "check injection". I have never had a problem with the car idling before this always a bit over 1000 on startup then idles smoothly at around 750/800. My car has the centre silencer removed but that has been off for over a year with no problems to idle.
Any idea what would be the cause of this?
Could it be dirty air sensor or throttle body?
Any idea what would be the cause of this?
Could it be dirty air sensor or throttle body?