HID's in Non Projector Head Lamps

Has anyone ever done this. I know it is illegal. But just seeing if anyone has done it. As i think you can get ones with an anti-glare 'thing' on them for use on Reflector Head Lamps.

Any infomation? Would be appreciated
Has anyone ever done this. I know it is illegal. But just seeing if anyone has done it. As i think you can get ones with an anti-glare 'thing' on them for use on Reflector Head Lamps.

Any infomation? Would be appreciated

I done it :smile: I don't personally like the projector lights.. think they make the car look cross eyed. I bought anti-glare and haven't been flashed once in 2 months :smile: they look awesome as well!!!
I done it :smile: I don't personally like the projector lights.. think they make the car look cross eyed. I bought anti-glare and haven't been flashed once in 2 months :smile: they look awesome as well!!!

wicked stuff!

Would it be possible for you to get me a link to the ones you bought? Did you fit them yourself? 200 kit same as 197?

And i read something about the Canbus Ballasts? Is there any faults that show up without these?
This one: http://www.hids4u.co.uk/h7-35w-ultimate-xenon-hid-conversion-kit.html

discount code is on here... just search HID I think it is strathy... or something its 25% off!!

I didn't fit them my friend did as he has fitted loads of hids no issues with them, auto lights work fine and no lights on the dash board.

They are one of my favourite mods to the clio! :smile:

nice one man. Looks a decent kit like. Yeah I'm hating the yellow colour my bulbs are putting out lol
It is :smile: 1 of the ballasts slips nicely down the side of the battery :wink:

haha just make sure once done you get some led sidelights!!
Not legal though and I doubt you'll get these past MOT tests after the changes in 2012.

Easy to swap back to standard bulbs come MOT time?

My 197 has it's second MOT is in December this year. So I'm gonna wait for it goes through that until i fit them, Then i have a year to use them untill i need to change them over for the 3rd MOT. Pain in the arse I know but there we go
with my last car that had hid's fitted the mot tester was a great bloke and said it was the first time he had seen a good pattern with hid's fitted in non projector headlights,

he then told me next year they wont pass because they are not auto levelling and dont have headlight washers

but was nice to hear the rules anyway

Seriously dont be a cock and put HIDs in a reflector headlight. Stop being a tight arse and either pay for projector headlights or accept the poverty spec like everyone else.

Its people putting HIDs in reflectors that give the rest of us HID users a bad reputation as they tar everyone with the same brush. No amount of PR bull**** on a website coining phraises like "anti-glare" will be anywhere near as good, they WILL dazzle and you WILL look like a chav.

[lol ok early morning rant but you get the picture. One of my pet hate along with foglight ******s]
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I have them in as I do not like the projectors for the 200 makes the car look cross-eyed imo.

And I have had not a single person flash me whilst they have been on and thats on every type of road... it's chavs who run cheap ebay hids and have the 8/10k blue ones that give them a bad name. I have also been behind more than 1 police car and nothing happened.
Just because people dont flash doesnt mean they arent dazzled, you cant seriously be using the "well i havent had anyone go out of their way to flash me" as a justification for it!

I dont get flashed/beeped at when i undercut on an almost daily basis during my dual carriageway commute does that mean its perfectly legal and acceptable right? No it just means people cant be arsed the same way people cant be arsed to flash at you.
Don't mean to butt in here but why does it matter that much!?

He already said he prefers the look of the reflectors and I admit, some HID's in reflectors can look too blue and cheap but if they are tasteful let them get on with it!

And stop undertaking people
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Just because people dont flash doesnt mean they arent dazzled, you cant seriously be using the "well i havent had anyone go out of their way to flash me" as a justification for it!


Undertaking though? Tut :wink:
Don't mean to butt in here but why are you being such an arse?!

He already said he prefers the look of the reflectors and I admit, some HID's in reflectors can look too blue and cheap but if they are tasteful let them get on with it!

And stop undertaking people

Just because they seem fine to you, doesn't mean that they don't blind / dazzle the oncoming traffic. They are as bad as foglight warriors too. Utterly annoying.

The raft of MOT changes in 2012 will deem them illegal anyway, so carry on if you must :wink:
Undertaking though? Tut :wink:

Come on you're from Derby too, have you ever had the pleasure of the morning commute up the A52 into Nottingham around 7:30am? My record at the moment is undertaking a line of 6 in a row just sitting there oblivious in the outside lane behind each other.

Ok i realise my original post was alittle OTT but my point still stands. Fitting HIDs to reflectors is the height of ignorance. All your doing is adding fuel to the fire for the whole "anti HID brigade" that will recognise you have an aftermarket kit by the dazzle. All you achieve is looking like a chav thats trying too hard :tongueout:inky:

Here is a typical "chav" Civic with a HIDs in reflectors and foglights, does this look good in your opinion? (aimed at Richy200 and other HID+Reflector supporters)
Come on you're from Derby too, have you ever had the pleasure of the morning commute up the A52 into Nottingham around 7:30am? My record at the moment is undertaking a line of 6 in a row just sitting there oblivious in the outside lane behind each other.

Hence the wink :wink:

I hate the A52 at the best of times, especially approaching and just after Bramcote island, when it seems every dozy tw*t has no concept of any other cars on the road and force me to take 'alternative action' (aka undertake).
Fine it's no justification but if you leave your full beam on you get flashed as they are dazzled...? You can't tell me everyone has given up flashing if they are blinded by them.

As said I've followed police cars gone opposite to them and have had no issuesAlso having spoken to friends/family they have said they are bright but not dazzling. so they will stay in the car. I'll upload a picture of mine as imo no way are they chavy

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