Hello from north Norfolk. FF200


Platinum Member
Hi all,

Thought id better make a thread to say hi and introduce myself and my FF200.

The names Harry and like the title says I'm from Naaarrrfulk lol. Hunstanton to be precise and am 23. I'm the manager of a holiday home property development company.

Now on to my car history.

Started off 5 years ago with a K reg 1.8 Golf. After a year I bought this


Always liked the looks of the ford fiesta zetec s and went for it. The picture shows what it looked like the day I got rid of her. (as you can tell im into subtle mods)

So anyway got shot of the zetec s last year in Feb and decided I wanted a big step up in performance. It was a toss up between a corsa VXR or a clio sport. I test drove both and decided to go for clio because personally I think the clio's are much more exciting to drive (especially round corners). My other half wants a VXR so that pushed me more in the clios direction aswell.

I know that the VXR comes packed full of spec pretty much out of the box and you have to pay for most luxuries on a CS but I kept saying to myself I wouldn't want or need the luxuries and I'd be buying it just for the driving pleasure.

So I picked this beauty up from a dealer in croydon!!


A 197 CUP. I gotta say guys I loved this car so much they are amazing to drive and to look at.

The only thing I didn't like about it is the centre console. I think for the price of these brand new the console is utter cheap and crap IMO.

Unfortunately one night on the A10 travelling back from Cambridge some BMW tosser was overtaking on the other side of the road with not enough room to get back in his lane. Forcing me to either make the decision of having a head on collision with him or turn off the road, down a 4ft drop into a field.

So this happened. Swerved off the road down the 4ft drop into the field and rolled 6 or 7 times and was hospitalized for several days with a broken collar bone, concussion and nerve damage to my neck.


The police got the bloke who caused the accident as the car he was overtaking on his side of the road remembered his plate. Of course he didn't stop to see I was still alive he just sped off. Standard BMW drivers that funnily enough cant actually DRIVE!!

Once I got out and fully recovered I started looking for another car. I got put off hot hatches for the reason of the accident and actually went to test drive a scirocco.

Not once during the test drive did I smile. I missed the feeling of the 197 and driving the scirocco made me feel as if there was a ton of electronics between me and the road. So I got home went out to the pub and my mates all said get another clio sport.

So one thing lead to another and ....


This time I went for a FF200 as I realised I did miss the luxuries of climate control, electric mirrors etc but didn't want to sacrifice the cup chassis. I'm in love all over again haha.

I don't plan to do much with her as I love subtle mods. I debadged "Clio", added black badge covers and changed the old style Renault Sport badges to the new RS ones.


I do have a few cosmetic mods planned but more on them when they start happening.

Enough of my life story now. Look forward to meeting you all at some events


I'm with you on the lack of equipment on a cup - not my thing!

Good looking 200 and welcome!
Hello from a fellow Norfolk'er lol.

Looks like you were a luckly guy from the state of your 197, at least everything turned out alright and your back in a clio :smile:
Looks stunning mate, shame about the 197 but at least your okay, I bet it's nerve racking when you see people overtaking now
Thanks mate. Appreciate it and yeh for a good 6 months seeing cars overtaking toward me got me hovering firmly over the break pedal :tongueout:
Thanks guys. I saw you Marshall on Sunday in Hunstanton. Guess I don't have to post in spotted any more. Lovely 200 mate :smile:

Glad you walked away from that one buddy! Uncle lived up around Kings Lynn for years and I always remember the roads being long and straight but the accidents they had up there were horrendous!

Anyway enough of that welcome to the forum!
I do love the LY!! I think it's the only colour that suits the cup spoiler lol. Will have to meet some time :smile:
Cheers guys. Yeh the roads this way are long and straight but accidents are frequent. Cheers fox for sorting my activation out last night :smile:

Glad you walked away from that one buddy! Uncle lived up around Kings Lynn for years and I always remember the roads being long and straight but the accidents they had up there were horrendous!

Anyway enough of that welcome to the forum!

Not a true Fenny unless you have crawled out of a ditch :nope:


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Yea thats a horrendous crash.

Surprised i didnt see it tbh, ive been travelling up and down the A10 for the past 6 years.
It was near that long bend bridge with a pub next to it :worried:. Can't remember the name of the pub now though

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