
My fan doesnt work in speed 2..so frustrating as 1 is a hamster blowing air at me and 3 develops to a light gale.

It's not the digital climate one just the standard 3 knob type..
We have the exact same problem on our 2007 1.2 Clio Ripcurl edition, which has the same 3 dial heater controls.

Doing google searches it seems that the heater resistor bank, behind the glovebox, is a common problem but from posts I've seen it usually just leaves setting 4 working which doesn't go through the pack. Like yours ours works on 3 and 4 so I don't know if this is the same problem.

Someone on eBay will fix the pack for about £20 but they say the connection can come loose so to try wiggle that while heater is on setting 2 to see if it works. I am hoping it is this because ours stopped working on 2 for a few days, then started working for a few weeks again on its own and then stopped again yesterday.

A new pack from our local motorfactors if it needs replacing is just over £50 or £90 from Renault plus another £80 to fit.
Very strange, might only last a few days though like ours which still isn't working. Might try to get to the connector tmw to give it a wiggle
Took a look today, removed the glove box using the great guide in this section and then had a look and on ours it is the connector which seems to have a bad connection, wiggling it made it work again so have put it all back together again and will see how long it carries on working for.


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