
My dad got me some flying lessons for Christmas - excited is an under statement!! Cant wait to get my lesson! anyone else done this or do this ? What should I be expecting?
Ah wow, that's ace!!!

Always something I've fancied doing, where are you doing that at?
I have done 16 hours flying now, I was aiming to do my full FATPL in order to fly big planes.

You'll love the experience, it is utterly amazing, how many hours you got? You'll be hooked big time!! It is 45 hours flying time needed to get your Private Pilots Licence, but it really is awesome!

I'm jealous of you lol!
Yup flying a plane - doing it in Belfast cant wait! its 3 hours of flying to make sure I like it and wasn't going to waste!!

Check me out trying to fly in 30 knot crosswinds lol!!!

Ben Nevis a little later on

Flying over Inverness on the way back

Then Landing :smile:
impressive Mike! Can't wait the flying is valid for a year from today so I will maybe go around may/june time when the weather is hopfully better!! quite excited!
If you can go up in a Cessna with a high wing, rather than a Piper with a low wing, then you'll see a lot more. Flying at night won't happen until you have done 10 hours, but even then you have to do a Night Time Rating when you have passed your PPL to be able to fly on your own when dark.

Can I also suggest to get a "Pilots Flying Log Book" - then you can make your 3 hours count towards your 45 hour total!!

Just had a look in mine, I have done 16.75 hours - 10 from Inverness, 6.75 from Shoreham - last flight being from Inverness on 10/09/2006 lol!!!
Thats sounds amazing!

I would have though it be just like driving except there is not traffic lights or round abouts! :smiley:
lol class mike although I think I read up and it says you have to do it within two years the 45 hours for it to be valid? why did you stop flying out of interest?

lets hope so gromb200 knowing my luck I'll get stuck in a taxi queue or something! :worried:
Couple of reasons I stopped flying lol.

1. It couldn't afford the £150 an hour haha!

2. I lost hald the sight in my left eye, which means I couldn't get the medical I needed to become a pilot, so kind of put me off!

I'm sure you could do your PPL within 2 years :wink: You'll want to big time!!!
ah feck sorry to hear that man :/ yeah £150 an hour is steep but it'd be worth it just so I can say I'm a pilot :tongueout: we'll see what its like I'm trying to save for a house so it may have to wait a few years until I get a few pay rises lol
Well folks today was my first lesson. It was bloody great! Got to do several things like pitch of nose, turning the plane left to right, correcting the tail with the rudder and correcting the speed of the plane and general flying around the place! Will deffo be going back to do more maybe not until I get another pay rise but I will be going back. Anyone wondering if they should go and do it all I can say is DO IT. It was amazing.

Jemma took 439 photos from the rear of the plane. feel free to have a look!

p.s Mike it was a Cessna we went up in!!
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Been bitten then! It is so amazing flying, wait until you do the lesson called "effects of controls" - don't eat anything before hand :wink: - it was the first time I experienced zero gravity lol!!!

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