
Yeah I did this all of the time! As the guy said it is a civic duty!

The brilliant irony of it all is that he has been hit harder than someone who would be caught speeding!!! :blush:hmy:
I'm a long-time flasher too. Might have to give it up now, fines are never fun.
I would love not to give a **** about my license and go booming through speed cameras at about 80.

Nobhead win!
I believe (fixed) speed cameras are there for genuine road safety, for instance near schools, parks, residential and built up areas as if they were not there ppl like gouldy (no offence) would "boom through at 80mph" and have no care in the world for pedestrians, children and other road hazards eg a car pulling out of a driveway. speed limits get broken too often if you have no order to keep people in check they will go as fast as they like.

mobile speed cameras. . .. . if u are going too fast in 1 of the above mentioned areas, that isn't fortunate enough to be patrolled buy a fixed camera more fool you IMO. to flash people coming the other way (u dont even know) is ludicrous as its their prerogative and there license they are risking breaking the law. i dont agree with camera's in non built up areas. "safety cameras" again if you go fast and kill yourself it was your choice. I have no sympathy for boy racers that go too fast for the road conditions due to in-experience.

On the other hand I believe they save lives of innocent people that in this circumstance are the victims when they get crashed into.

in 19 months as an officer I have seen it all.

motorbike on wrong side of road, rider goes through windscreen of oncoming vehicle kills both driver and passenger, biker survived. now in prison on dangerous driving and manslaughter charges.

car going to fast around a corner, slides off road seriously injures 2 pedestrians

same again^ through a shop front this time though . . . luckily the shop was shut.

van overturned on snakes pass. road closed for several hours while its was removed and fuel removed from road

car through a farmers wall on woodhead. . . . been to 3 of these.. . . all ppl going too fast.

honestly the list is endless . . . thats in 19 months . . . .

so basically what i am getting at is they do slow you down, so they serve a purpose. who pics up the pieces?
I agree with you there Matt. I think they are a good thing in built up areas, mobile and fixed camers.
Obviously I wouldn't flash, say for instance if a car was coming towards me in a built up area if I though he was well over the limit. They deserverd to get done.