F1 blade and number plate serround

Noticed my f1 blade and number plate surround (black bit) are quiet badley scratched
has anyone had one resprayed or can you still get them?
Had both resprayed a few months ago. Well worth it, though it quickly gets chipped again. Not so expensive as to make it something you couldn't do every 3 years or so.
I think I paid a couple hundred maybe but that was with a courtesy car as well as having them remove and refit the parts.

Quite possible to get it done cheaper by taking them off yourself I just couldn't be arsed in the end :tongueout:
Could always have it sprayed and then wrapped in a clear film. Cant remember the name of the product but its supposed to stop stone chips
Could always have it sprayed and then wrapped in a clear film. Cant remember the name of the product but its supposed to stop stone chips

Clingfilm? :smiley:

Ventureshield is one product but there are others, 3M do something too I think. I think they're great, but whenever I've seen them you can always see the edge and they take some of the gloss/shine away from the car.
Yeah clingfilm thats the one! lol. I wanted something spraying silver so just wrapped in in foil instead :tongueout:

What a waste of foil! Everyone knows to make your car silver you just sand it down to the metal and then let it rust a little for a few 'scene' points!



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