does anyone....

thought i'd do a maz with the title and leave everyone curious, lol. :eek:
does anyone speak german? if so, first or second language?

thanks, stu.
Did it at uni for a year, only basic German conversation though. It's surprising how similar it is to English.
I'm thinking about learning for our trip in June but thinking is all I have done about it so far.. Lol
I did at School. Even chose it as a GCSE subject. But, as its now 14 years since i left school, the only things i can remember are:

Hast du Geschwister? (Do you have any brothers or sisters)
Schwarzwalderkirchtorte. (Black Forest Gateaux)
Das ist gut!! (That is good)
Enschuldigung (Excuse me)
Hallo (obvious)
Tchus (Bye)

And i can still count in German. LOL. Oooh, i could ask for a Currywust mit brochen. And thats about all my survival German. Plus all the obvious and easy ones. Ya, nein etc.
hmmmmmmm, ich lerne deutch!!

i am learning german atm, and was just wondering how other people did? if they have... lol.
i have started by reading a book called mein freunde, which is reading age 6... lol.
and i can ask for things in a shop, ask for money in the bank etc etc.

I'm thinking about learning for our trip in June but thinking is all I have done about it so far.. Lol

there are certain things that you could learn between now and the 'ring trip which will make germans perceive you much better than they will if you expect them to speak english to you.
which they are going to expect at somewhere like nurburgring.
I did it for GCSE so remember a fair bit, also have a german housemate so I learn the naughty words from him lol
I can get by. I started to learn quicker when I lived and worked there. I still go out about once a month but got lazy and stopped learning :worried:
Ich bin ein Viertel aus Deutschen und ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch.

Ich habe Deutsch für A-Level und GCSE gemacht, und jedes Jahr, ich gehe nach Deutschland, um dem Nürburgring zu sprechen Deutsch. Leider gibt jeder spricht Englisch!!!!