Diadem indicator bulbs


Tory of the Month
Really fancy some of the blue diadem bulbs as think it will look nice on a white car, on ebay they are going for 12,99 which seems awfully expensive.... is this the out going price or am i getting ripped off?
Anyone got some pics aswell?
My local motor factor does silver indicator for £4 a pair. Great quality too, the set I currently have in the car I put in the day I got it nearly 2 years ago. Always worth trying you local place, they may just surprise you.

I had those diadem ones before (in my last car) and though they looked awful, really cheap and really tacky looking. Was the opinion of most of my mates too.
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I have since changed my dipped beams for ice white MTEC bulbs too... I think the blueish indicators are cool :smile: these are OSRAM too, so expecting them to last forever!

and I think I got mine from Amazon for a tenner or there abouts.
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