Delivery sooooooon

Just phoned up the dealer and got confirmation that the car should be due for pickup by the 27th!

18 more days before i can unleash the fury :chair:
Thats good then! I hope you are looking forward to it! Not too long to go.

Hey Maz I guess that would mean that yours will be no later than that?!
I have no idea Paul, should know a bit more on Tuesday when the lady I have been dealing with is back in the office.

I hope its before then as I have things planned :smile:
i herd she was squating at the docks waitin for it to arrive:thumbsup:
lmao i wudnt be suprised tbh ill be so happy when it gets here
not long now then. picked mine up tuesday and only done 220 miles so far. gonna go for a nice long ride tomorrow afternoon weather permitting lol. its worth the wait ;-)
Maz, i hope yours comes soon.
The spec i went for was Storm Grey, full fat, black speedlines. no frills other than the one under the bonnet ;-)