Deceiving us on Climate Change

This video is worth watching whatever side of this debate you come out on.
How can it be right to refuse to show your data? How can people believe their results when so called scienctists get away with this? FFS if the climate really is changing then we must have accurate, honest data. Consensus my a**e.

I think it just goes to show how politcally motivated this whole thing is.

I personally am not convinced by the whole global warming/ climate change thing, I am a sceptic I guess. However in defence of the climategate thingy there was a program on not long back about this where they actually interviewed the bloke responsible for the graph, there's alot more to it than whats just in that 5min video though and it's not as simple as 'they tried to deceive us'
You mean the denier attack programme that was the Horizon episode? I'm not often brought to do so, but I complained to the BBC over this. It was so bais and showed such a lack of respect. Even comparing sceptics to AIDS deniers.

They made out that Phil Jones was just an innocent victim (of a hack) and that climatgate only had one badly worded email. They didn't mention that data and algorithms used were leaked.

In fact the video above makes use of data from Climategate.

If anyone wants to read more, try Climate Audit, Bishop Hills blog and Whats up with that.
I've remained most unconvinced since about 5-6 years ago I read a 2 part article by a former adviser to Thatcher's government on it. He advised on international and intergovernmental hoaxes and scams and trashed the climate change argument from entirely different perspective to that typically adopted.

Point is, of course the climate is changing. It always has, does and will. Even within the last 2000 years there have been marked cyclical changes.
Climate Change is the biggest money maker in World politics.

It's a load of old sh!t if you ask me. The climate has been changing since the Earth began, it changes one way and then eventually it changes back again. Simples. The polarity of the Earth also swaps North & South around every few thousand years but nothing's been made of that in the press. Climate change and ''Global Warming'' is a natural occourence.

No amount of recycling (which I do religiously and work in the industry) and no amount of hybrids can undo the damage a single volcanic eruption can do.

Mother nature will always win and is ever changing. And we're being taxed for it. It's all a con.
We are still living in an Ice Age, the earth has been 15 degrees warmer on average several times in the last 3 billion years.

Just an excuse to put taxes up etc.

:ban: the government!