Company for custom lights?

I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a company UK based that will actually do custom lights form requested order?
Mainly to do the tail lights for the clio, but everyone i've found so far seems to be in japan or america and do everything but European cars!
The problem you'll no doubt encounter is the cost. They will need to designed in CAD in order to be manufactured, you would then need the individual parts made up, if you are going for plastic like OEM then tooling costs alone for the complexity of those types of lights would easily run over 10k. You maybe able to make one offs using rapid prototyping but your still looking at 1,000s.
You'll probably be better off getting a set of standards ripping them apart and having an attempt yourself. As above it will cost too much for them to do a ine off job for you. They do look good though
If you need a prototype I can arrange for this to be printed

Get me an STL file of what you require and I will get it priced up for you I would recomend printed in PLY :thumbsup: