Clio197/ Member of the moment No.12: ryan197


Platinum Member
Member of the moment No.12: ryan197

Write something about yourself: dont really know what to say other than i love clio sports on my second now after owning a 172. Like drinking, socialising and having a drive.

Real Name: Ryan Matchett

Age: 27


Birthplace: Wolverhampton

Current Location: Coseley

Marital Status: Single

Sexual Preference: Straight

Vital Stats: short/medium build

Occupation: maintenance technician

What Car Do You Drive: FF197


How long have you had your197/200: 3 years

Date you joined sometime 2009

Favourite Members on Everyone

Most Annoying Members and Why: dont really pay attention to annoying ones

Food: Pizza
Drink: Carling
Film: Predators
Football/Rugby/Other Sports Team: Wolverhampton Wanderers
Actor/Actress: Megan Fox
TV programme: NCIS
TV presenter: Cat Deeley
Song: No Good
Singer/Band: Prodigy
computer Game: Fifa 11/ F1 2010

Perfect Dream Women: Dot Cotton

Non-Car-Related Website: Facebook

3 Car Garage:
1. Ferrari 458
2. Aston Martin DB9
3. Porsch 911 turbo

Likes: Pubs/ driving in my car
Dislikes: annoying people

Fantasy Partner to...
Marry: Mo Slater
Have a one night stand with: Mo Slater
Kill: nobody

Sum up in three words: informative, laugh, something to do

Who should be interviewed next and why: Rocko

What Do You like Most about That Person: same colour as mine

Random Question to ask that Person: is your car fixed yet

mo nice 1
keep the good name of wolves folk for taste bottom of the league lol