I've had a 2010 RS200 for almost a year - FF + Cup Pack.
I bought it for a bit of practical fun. I have several other cars, mainly German performance cars. Tried various options - Mini Coopers, Fiat 500/Punto Abarths, VW Gtis, etc, but was most impressed with the RS200.
I've done 12k mls and recently drove it down to the Cote d'Azur in one day, where I now keep it.
It is brilliant - fabulous little car, great chassis and steering, plenty of performance, sweet gearbox, very practical - often 4-up. Really suits the French roads. No issues, no rattles, little to fault. Does struggle to better 30 mpg though.
Personally, prefer the Renault Sports seats to the Recaros, and the Cup Pack may not be essential on UK roads (although perfect in France). Couldn't live without the FF options.