Cleaning after driving on gritted/salted roads


Gold Member
Hi chaps, I might have to take my car out on the dreaded gritted roads this weekend, which I would like to avoid as much as possible. What is the best way to get rid of it afterwards? I will most likely jet wash and foam after when I get home. I'm a bit paranoid after my Golf suffered underneath with tinworm. They were never very good like that anyway tbh!!
An overprotective Clio owner ;/
if your gunna jetwash underneath dont overdo it as you can wash off some of the protective coating

as for the top - just make sure its not left on to long (the road salt that is) as clio3 dont have rust issues
That would be the black sticky underseal that looks to have been sprayed underneath. I cant get very far underneath anyway, unless I put it up on my shallow ramps (if it will go up!) I will give it some foam with me old Argos Karcher washer under the arches etc as normal then :smile: Hope the Clio3 is good at keeping the dreaded crusty stuff at bay as you say.
Prevention is better than cure...
I would always recommend spraying some Waxoyl around - its great for general protection and should stay around to protect especially through the winter. Try to get the car clean underneath and get the car up on a proper ramp. Tale a good look and spray it liberally onto areas that you think will need some extra protection. Avoid exhaust pipe and brake discs/parts. I like Waxoyl and have always found it relaible and reasonably cheap and easy to apply. They make it in clear and black - I find the clear version to be best. Try and let it dry off as but before using the car too much. Costs about £6 per can (need maybe 2 cans at most) and even if you have to pay someone for the use of a ramp it will be a 1/2 hour well spent !