Cleaning a Maxogen

Hi guys, do you need to clean the filter in a Maxogen? If so how do you go about it?


yeah you'll need to clean it mate but not that often,depends on you mileage i suppose,here's the stuff i use and the stuff ITG say you must use,its dead easy to do,just spray the cleaner on,massage in and rinse out,good insructions come with the product on both cleaning and re-oiling

the only issue i came accross is that the filter seems to take an age to dry,like more than 24hrs and it must be fully dry before you re-oil it

i have just used petrol in the past to clean it and it works just as well if not better,then re-oiled

if you go for the ITG kit make sure you get the filter oil with the white cap as the blue cap is much thicker stuff for dessert and rally use
Like henderson said the ITG cleaning kit takes for ever to dry with it been oilseed base,i would save your cash and just clean it with petrol.
my old filter took 4-5days to dry right through but with petrol 2days max.