Cash back on internet purchases........

My brothers been doing this for a while and has claimed back quite a bit, I've done it on a few things now and have got a little bit back.

Basically, you sign up for it and visit the websites via their page and certain retailer give you a percentage of your purchase back.
Things like car insurance and phone contracts seem to be best, but things like last minute and autotrader adverts pay quite well too.

If you use my link :

If you use that, I get a quid and I pretty sure you do too but dont hold me to it.

If you buy online its a handy little freebie to have.
I thought it was a big scam, but that bloke in gmtv kept going on about it, an my brother got about £130 in a couple of months. Tried it myself and got about £40
Definitely recommended!
I used quidco for buying a few computers and also my new contract.

33% discount on my phone a month + 80 cashback + £100 for my old handset means its pretty much free haha.

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